
That's how I look everytime I think what I should get my brothers for say birthday or any occasion for that matter. It's just so hard to come up with something...anything to get them. It's also useless to ask them what they want because the answer they give is usually a puzzle on its own so instead of drawing only 2 question marks like the one in the picture, I end up with 10 more. Ugh!

Anyway, I am currently trying to buy things for my loved ones that I can either take with us if our plan to visit this year happens or send in a box before the year ends. I'm done with what I'm giving the girls/women. I'm now down with the hardest task...what to get the boys/men. I decided to go on a limb and started searching for personalized things. I stumbled upon a lot of websites that have interesting stuff like a site that makes different kinds of collectible coins like military coins or any kind of coin to suit one's preference. I don't know if the coins will be a good present for them but if I ever I run out of ideas on what to get my brothers & nephews for any occasion...I may just consider giving them a collectible coin picture, maybe??? LOL...


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