Starting a Business

When I was still teaching and single, one of my many plans was to start a small business of my own. As many teachers know, a teacher does not really make much so I wanted something to either supplement what I was making or to replace it once I decide to retire. I wasn’t alone in my plan because I have a few friends who also wanted to do the same thing. I no longer have that plan because I now have a family and my husband has his own small business which someday I may be a part of. A friend of mine on the other hand is about to start her venture into the business world. She’s been asking me if my husband has a credit card merchant account for his business and she wants to know how to go through getting one set up for her small business.

Unfortunately, my husband doesn't really know how to set-up one because they don’t have that kind of an account. It’s not advisable for their kind of business to use it that’s why. But since the husband likes to help her nevertheless he did a little research and found a merchant account application online that my friend can use. I haven’t told my friend about it but I’m sure she’ll be appreciative of it. She’s been all over the place just getting this small business of hers off the ground that one thing off her list will definitely be a welcome respite. I wish my friend nothing but the best on her new business but after hearing everything that she has to do to start this business, I’m kinda’ thankful I don’t have to do it myself. I honestly wouldn’t have known where to start myself.


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