So Far, So Good...

It’s the start of the 2nd quarter of 2011 today. How time flies, eh? It’s also the 4th month of my neverending saga of exercising on my elliptical. I’m happy to report that it’s going well. As they say…’so far, so good’. I’ve been consistent and from what I’ve read that’s the key to achieving your goal so I must be well on my way to achieving mine then. I’m happy to say as well that I’ve lost a few pounds already and I may just be able to fit into those Levis jeans I used to wear before I packed on the poundage some years ago. I still have a long way to go to get into some of my favorite clothes but I’m glad I’m seeing some good results after a few months of sweating it out.

If I continue to doing what I’m doing right now, I’d probably need some new wardrobe in my closet soon. I still have some of my old clothes but it would definitely be fun to add some more to it just to ‘reward’ myself, eh? So in between looking for some woolrich jackets that one of my brothers requested me to look for and some pairs of Levis 501 jeans that another brother wants, I am also looking for some ‘goodies’ for moi! It’s not easy for me to look for clothes for myself but I’m trying. Believe it or not, the husband is the one that likes to shop for clothes for me…if and when I agree to it.


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