Sore Arms...

I spent a good part of today cleaning while the husband worked outside. I really wanted to help in cleaning out the flower beds but I really had to do some cleaning in the house so I wasn't able to. Yesterday we spent our day at Lowe's looking at different plants that we want to put in the yard and the flower bed. We went there last weekend as well just to see what they a dry run so we won't have to spend so much time there choosing. Well, the dry run didn't work because we still spent hours going around reading the labels on different plants. I didn't know choosing plants is so much work.

We ended up getting only some of what we 'think' will survive our kind of weather. We also got some stones and dividers and what nots to finally start making our flower beds look like...ummm...flower beds? That's why I really wanted to help out the husband today. I just want to finish it as soon as possible. Oh well...maybe next weekend. Hubby is so tired right now as well. Maybe it's not just his arms that are sore but everywhere. I better not complain then...he might just visit here and read my post....tee hee....


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