Another Milestone Missed

One of the things I truly regret being away from my family is missing milestones and special occasions. I missed several weddings, graduations and even births of nephews, nieces & grandchildren [courtesy of my nieces]. But my family back home always keeps me in the loop by letting me know of all the happy [and sometimes sad] events that take place while I'm away. The last big family milestone that took place was my nephew's oath taking after passing the medical board exam. It's a major thing for us because he is the first doctor in the family. Next year, we may also have another first...a lawyer this time. My parents must be grinning from ear to ear from wherever they are seeing how their kids & grandkids are turning out to be what they want us to be.

Another big event that's going to take place is the first communion of our oldest grandchild[my brother's first grandchild]. Coming from a country where Christianity is a major thing, the first communion is always regarded as a very important milestone in a child's life. Since I cannot be there [again] in person I will just wait for updates & pictures from my niece about her daughter's first communion. In the meantime, I am looking at communion gifts Personal Creations so I can send her something to mark this very special event in her young life. I'm thinking of something personalized so she'll know I got it JUST for her. I may not be there personally but it doesn't mean I cannot make this milestone memorable for her, right? Hopefully, I'll be able to make it in the next milestone in her life. Her wedding, maybe?


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