Cute & Funny

I got this from a friend's email. There were a bunch of pictures in the email but this just made me laugh...real loud. Does that make me a terrible 'fwend'? Haha...

I just thought of posting it here today. No reason...just because. Oh I's Thursday...which means it's ALMOST Friday. And that's enough reason to be spreading those happy fairy dust.....doncha think?


Ciela said…
Ha ha ha.. very nice!! What a very good fwend! Ano hilo? Jump off the bridge?!! ha ha.. sarap tumawa!

Musta na ba TGIF natin dyan? Lumago na be yung hydrangea plant mong maganda? Ganda ng color nya eh! Sana tumubo na sya ng maayos para di mo na ibalik.

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