
It’s now been a few months since I started regularly exercising. I’m proud to say that the elliptical that Santa gave me on Christmas has been put to good use. It hasn’t been easy but I’ve been trying been really hard to get on it almost daily. Yes, I try to do it daily, especially on the weekdays because I’m afraid that if I skip a day I’d get lazy and won’t get on it again. But like I said it’s not easy and there are certainly days when I wish I can just try one of the best weight loss pills out there and ‘maybe’ lose all the weight I want to lose without working as hard. Thankfully, it’s all just ‘thoughts’ for now and I haven’t done that. For one, I’m not aiming to lose a lot of weight and I personally think that weight loss pills are better for those who aim to lose quite a bit of the extra poundage.

Anyway, I actually like my current weight so losing weight is not really my main goal for exercising. It’s part of the plan but it’s fine with me if I don’t lose a pound. I just don’t like how the ‘added’ weight that I gained after having a baby is ‘distributed’ in my body. It seems like it’s all on my belly & thighs with a little bit on my chin and to me it’s not a very pretty sight when I look at myself in the mirror especially the one on my middle. So aside from using the elliptical I am also trying to do some simple pilates to help tone my belly. I just started on that so I’m not seeing any result as of yet. Again, just like the elliptical, I need a lot of motivation to get started on it. Hopefully I can keep up with what I’m doing…and I’m crossing my fingers I’ll see some results someday.


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