Still Searching...

After months of looking, I still haven't found yet what to buy for my brothers and nephews. I'm putting stuff together that I can put in the box I'm sending back home and it's driving me nuts. I'm done buying for the girls/women but not for the boys. I'm this close to just getting them the usual shirts and shorts....seriously. Is it really this hard to find things to give to men? And my husband says I'm the hardest to shop for. I think I'm going to challenge him on that. Anyway, my brothers don't have hobbies...except for the oldest who is a corporate slave. He's into golf now...with is fellow 'slaves' of course. In my quest to find something for him I googled golf items. Voila...things from golf clubs to the top 10 golf gps to golf bags and everything else in between that has the word golf in it came up. Lovely, eh? I think I have to go through about a thousand and one items just to check them all out....and I didn't.

After that not so successful online search, I came up with a decision. I'll call home and just ask his kids what it is he 'may' want. Maybe then I'll be able to at least trim down the choices to less than 10. As for the other men/boys...same thing...I'll call their families and ask. My only problem is...will I still have enough money to buy them anything after paying all those long distance bills???


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