A Welcome Treat....

When I was growing up, we had a small store that my mother managed. We call that kind of store a ‘variety - retail store’ because it sells almost everything that a household will need on a daily basis like vinegar, salt, canned as well as junk foods and soft drinks. It’s a retail store because everything is sold either in parts or by pieces. For years, we were getting a lot of free product samples from our distributors that would come by to deliver our orders. It’s the companies’ way of promoting their new products. My siblings and I were usually the first kids around the neighborhood who tasted new products. We were like guinea pigs being experimented on…but it was fun especially if the products were candies.

Today, there are still a lot of free products being given away. The goal is the same…promotion. Since this is a different age and time, getting some freebies is way different now compared to when I was growing up. Stores still get the bulk of free stuff to give to their customers but there are also other places where we can find them…like online. I’ve received bunches of free stuff samples myself by simply visiting a website. Sometimes the products are not just small kinds. There are places that give out big ticket items for free although those places are hard to find. The thing is there are a lot of freebies out there if one is patient to look for them. And during these hard times, I think anything we can get for free is always a welcome treat, don’t you think?


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