Chrysler Patron

In the past couple of months our weekends were anything like but…weekends. They were more like regular weekdays because they were spent working. Well, we finally had a break from that. We were able to do a lot of unfinished errands but we weren’t able to do them all. I think we’ll need a few weekends to finally get caught up with that. One of the things we still have to do is find that second car we’re planning in buying. All that we’re able to do right now is to check at websites like to see what they have to offer. Hubby’s big brother mentioned this West Palm Beach dealer that sells used cars because he knows that hubby only buys Chrysler product...unlike him. He said a friend of his mentioned it to him when he and his wife were planning to get a new car. They weren’t able to go there because it’s quite far but he knows hubby wouldn’t mind the trip if what he’s looking for is there.

Anyway since I’ve known my husband, he has only bought Chrysler products like the one we have right now and the one before this one….a Dodge. That’s partly because his other brother worked for the company for almost 30 years. They get discounts as family members. He said that aside from that, he never really had any problems with Chrysler cars so why try something else when what you have is perfectly fine. Our current car has only been to the shop a few times even if it’s a few years old already. I guess my husband’s reasoning makes sense then, eh? Anyway, since we still don’t know when we’ll have the time to go and check that place in person, I decided to just bookmark their West Palm Beach Car Blog where they feature some of the cars they have on sale. At least I wouldn’t have to look for their website next time.


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