Club Membership

Last weekend we decided to apply for a membership in our local club. But before we signed up to be members, we had the grand tour of the place first. The lady in-charge showed us everything…from their gym to the swimming pool to their lockers to their open court they use for different sports. The little one got all excited with the aluminum bleachers in their open court the lady giving us the tour chuckled a little. Actually, she excited with everything in the place but she’s most excited with the prospect of finally learning how to swim. She actually wanted to get in the pool that day and we had to remind her that we didn’t have her bathing suit with us since that’s not part of the plan that day.

Originally, we planned to go there this weekend…but we weren’t able to. We still have to get some stuff like a lock for our locker, some sunblock lotion, and some other supplies that we will use only when we go there either to swim or take some classes. But instead of picking up the supplies, we decided to go shopping for a coffee table and end table instead. At first the little one wasn’t too happy about not going swimming but she quickly forgot about it because we went to so many places. But what perked her up was our last stop…a buffet lunch in a Chinese restaurant. LOL. She loved that she was able to go around the restaurant picking out her own food. I guess she likes being independent, eh?


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