Filing....Spring Cleaning?

That's what I've been doing this morning. I have accummulated quite a lot of paperworks that I just had to do it ASAP. I just feel like drowning on papers already. I guess that's the start of my 'spring cleaning'? We don't really need to do spring cleaning around here since there's not much to put away after winter. We basically use the same things throught out the year...well, except for some thick sweaters and some long pants which I can just leave hanging in the closet anyway.

Anyhooo...this Monday is not as crazy. I'm sort of 'multi-tasking'. I am 'spring cleaning' and doing the laundry at the same time. I was supposed to do that on the weekend but we suddenly found ourselves out on both days. Nothing exciting...just some walking around the stores looking for stuff. Oh...and we also decided to apply for membership to our local YMCA. That means starting this weekend...if time allows it...we may be able to take a dip in their pool and teach the little one [and the big one....ahem!] how to swim. Hubs has been itching to do that for years now....and we're finally doing yay!!!


Ciela said…
Wow, swimming. Pwede ako din magpa-member? Lol!

Have a great Thursday!

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