Still BUSY...

So many things to little time. Isn't that what they say? I guess that applies to me nowadays. Can you say...b-u-s-y? But it's good to be busy, right? Even if work is really busy right now, I still find time to do other things. I'm still doing my elliptical routine regularly and of course the usual chores. We're also doing some little home improvement projects around the house during the weekend. We're currently working on the closet in our bedroom. I have a lot of stuff to take out of there and send out to my family & friends back home. I already have a box ready to filled. So far I already dumped some clothes, toys, pc speakers that we no longer use as well as some lotions & colognes. The last 2 need to be in the box or my nieces & sisters will be bugging me forever about it. I don't know what's wrong with the lotion & colognes back home but it seems they always ask for the ones here. Don't they all smell the same? Oh's their request so I grant it even just once in a blue moon. Anyway, I've got some other things I've been busy with but I better stop narrating them here and get back to...yes, work!


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