
Because of the crazy schedule I’ve been having for the past couple of months, there are a few things I have to put in the back burner. One of those things is finding a blog hosting for my very much neglected blog that I created a few years ago. When the blog hosting expired, I didn’t renew it for a couple of reasons. I felt like I was wasting the money paying for the hosting since it wasn’t the cheapest. Aside from that, I barely had the time to update the blog so I decided to just go back to free hosting for it…at least until I have to time to regularly update it. I think that last time I updated it was more than a year ago when the oil leak in the gulf happened. Wow…that’s a long time ago, isn’t it?

Anyway, work has been a lot calmer now. It’s actually been ‘calmer’ for a couple of weeks now but I decided to just take it easy and see if it stays that way and it has. We are still busy but we are no longer beating deadlines after deadlines. This means I can ‘probably’ spend some time tending to my blogs more than once a week or so. I used to blog several times a day but because of the crazy work schedule that had to stop. But now that I have the time I can start looking for a site that offers budget hosting for blogs so I can switch to paid hosting again. I haven’t started looking yet but I’m hoping I’d still get the best hosting for my blog without paying a fortune for it. I also want a reliable site because I’m practically clueless as far as hosting is concerned so I want a hosting where customer service is great. Is there such a site…affordable, reliable hosting site? I bet there is…I just have to look for it.


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