Jewelry Shopping

What girl doesn't like jewelry shopping? I definitely like to go jewelry shopping every now and then. It's just that is I'm not really good at it. Or maybe I'm just too fickle minded when it comes to which ones to get so I find it challenging most of the time. Our little one on the other hand is the exact opposite of the Mom. She knows what she wants as soon as she sees it. She's always been very decisive even when she was still young. She got me some pieces of jewelry for some special occasions in the past and the Dad was amazed how decisive she was when it came to what she wanted to get me. He tried to pursuade her to get something else but to no avail so he just let her get what she wanted. But like I said, I'm kinda' the opposite so I don't really do a lot of jewelry shopping. I tried to check some diamonds online but that's even harder for me because I like to see and touch something that I want to buy. It doesn't mean I won't buy diamonds online. I probably would in the future but would start with the not so expensive ones so if I don't like it, I wouldn't feel bad about it.


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