More than A WEEK...

...of no update/post on this blog??? Ha! I guess I was BUSY??? Or maybe I'm out of things to write about??? Well, the former is more like it.

So what have I been up to? WORK...of a little bit of laziness on the side. Also, hubby was away for a couple of days last week due to work and when that happens, I 'seem' to be occupied with worries...not for us but for him. I have no reason to be worried about since he's a big boy but I just couldn't help it when he's out of state. I even told him that but we have no's part of the job. Luckily he only has to do it once in a while. I cannot imagine how it must be for those with spouses that have to travel on a regular basis for longer periods of time. Well, they probably get used to it after a while.

While he was away I tried to keep busy with work and other things but blogging. I was able to set aside some educational toys that I can send to my 'grandchildren' back home. They were the little one's old toys. They're almost brand new because she was the only one who played with them...and since she had a few, she only played with them a few times since would alternate playing with them. Also, she'd rather play with things like straws, strings, empty tissue boxes, toilet paper/paper towel rolls cardboard. Sometimes I wonder why we even spend money to buy her stuff. But that's the way it is. Now my brother's grandchildren will have a grand time playing with those barely used toys.

Tending to the flower beds is another thing that kept me away from blogging as well. We finally planted something on the beds a couple of weekends ago. Only one of them is finished though. We still have to work on the other one but we're getting there. Hopefully, we'll be able to finish the other next weekend.

Anyhooo....have a wonderful week everyone! Ciao!


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