Paper Mountain!

That's what I have on my desk right now.

In this day and age, paperworks shouldn't be a cause of stress anymore. But I still get stressed whenever I see all the papers piling up either on my desk or on the counter. I don't know why but even if I can easily subscribe to paperless billing, I still like getting hard copies of documents...then I regret it for a minute because they keep crowding my desk until I get around to putting them away. But that's not the end of it. Those papers have to stash somewhere which means more space needed for them. Maybe I should look into getting a scanning software and just start scanning away so I can get rid of them. I wonder if that's going to work or if it's even worth it. I know big companies use scanning software to keep track of their paperworks but I don't know of any household that do so. Maybe I can start a trend, eh? I wonder if the man of the house would let me get one. Hmmm...


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