Off to a Greener Pasture?

One of my cousins just quit his job of more than 10 years back home to try his luck here in the west. He is now busy searching for houses for rent in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada because his new job is located around that area. I knew he always has this ‘aim’ of one day working abroad because according to him, he wants to try for a greener pasture. But I was still surprised when he told me that he’s looking for houses to rent in that part of Canada. For one, he has a sister in Canada but not in Edmonton. I believe she’s in Ottawa so I kinda’ expected that he would be working in that area. I haven’t spoken with his sister yet about this but he said she’s fine with it…him working in Edmonton I mean. At least their Mom who lives with the sister can now have 2 of her children living close by.

My nephew is also planning in working in Canada. His friends have been convincing him to apply ever since he passed the medical board exam earlier this year and I’ve been trying to convince him to wait until the economy is a lot better. I am just worried about my nephew because he doesn’t know anybody there…not even my cousins. He was still young when my cousin migrated to Canada. I don’t even think he knows their names. Of course my cousin is very much willing to take him under her wings but I’m still worried. Anyway, my nephew hasn’t really decided yet if he’s moving forward with this plan or not. Right now, it’s all a plan. My cousin on the other hand is really going. Hopefully, he’ll find a good place to rent in Edmonton. I should probably ask around in the blogsphere because there are quite a few who live in or around that area. It can be my 'little' way of helping him...


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