Sore All Over...

That's me alright....

Yesterday I decided to do some 'minor' gardening. Originally I was just planning in pulling out the dollar weeds that keep popping up on the flower beds that are covered in mulch. Those dollar weeds grow everywhere I tell you. They're even thriving on the beds covered in pebbles where the blackberry bushes are. I pulled those as well and found out they're growing without the roots touching the soil. How did that happen? Pesky little weeds. I wish they're real dollars so we would be filthy rich by now. Ha!

Anyway, the weather yesterday was really nice for staying outside so after weeding I decided to grab the big scissors and started trimming [aka killing according to hubby because I trimmed them too short...toink!] the grass around the bushes we have by the walkway. BIG MISTAKE! I didn't realize that all the squatting I did while doing that will result to this much pain on both my legs. I can hardly walk now because of soreness on my thighs and legs. The little one even offered to carry me while we were strolling around somewhere earlier...LOL. I've been taking some tylenol to help with it but it doesn't seem to be least I don't feel it...or maybe it is helping. Without it I may not even be able to take a step, eh?


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