The 'Cake' Story...

So why did I order MY OWN CAKE? In the past years I didn't. Hubby would just come home with a an ice cream cake which he'd usually pick up on his way [home] from work. Last year before my birthday, I saw this cake being advertised on TV. It's called 'Caramel Pecan Crunch'...and it's made by a supermarket chain around here. I told hubby that's the cake I wanted for my birthday so he looked for it but couldn't find it so he ended up getting the usual ice cream cake for my birthday last year. So this year, he asked me to order the cake myself IF still wanted the caramel I did! I called in the day before and he picked it up on my birthday on his way home from work. And that's the story of the cake. Probably not interesting to you...but it's quite interesting to me so I thought I'd chronicle it here just for future reference: The year I ordered my own birthday cake....tee hee
Anyway, the cake is nothing special. Yeah...BUMMER! I was salivating over this sugar laden creation and it disappointed big time. Nothing special about it and it's not what I expected. I was expecting something more. Unfortunately, it didn't deliver. Next cream cake it is...again!
Hope you're doing well, take care!
hula ko nagliwaliw kayo. hope you are having a great weekend with the man of the house - in the house (lol).