The Halloween That Was

I noticed I haven't posted anything about the halloween that just passed. As usual, our little donned a costume on the day. It's her 9th one which means she already donned 9 different costumes. Let me see if I can recall all of them...

Year 1 [2002] - Lioness
Year 2 [2003]- Pumpkin
Year 3 [2004]- Snowhite
Year 4 [2005]- Ballerina
Year 5 [2006]- Princess
Year 6 [2007] - Jojo Circus
Year 7 [2008] - Cinderella
Year 8 [2009]- Bat
Year 9 [2010]- Fairy

Wow! Some good memory I have, eh? I just got all that from the top of my head. I didn't even have to stop to think...LOL. Round of applause for me, please. Ha! Just kidding.

So what was she this time around. She was VAMPIRE Queen! She's a very friendly vampire, too. I'll be posting a picture of her [in costume] doing the rounds at the mall ~ the only place we go to on this specific event. As expected, she had fun going around the mall for candies. Afterwards, we went our merry way already. I wonder what she'll be next year.


Ciela said…
Si E? Vampire Queen? Kagandang bampira naman nyan! Special request lang Huling, kindly post naman those Halloween photos of E all together! Katuwa lng makita how she transforms from toddler to a young lady that she is now. Pakibilisan lng ha?! Ayoko ng matagal! Aha haha..

Midweek na. Lapit na weekend! Weeehh.. Good morning Madame Huling! ahehe..
Ciela said…
Huling, I sent you a reply on your email eh, bitin naman pala yung na sent. Sensya na, late yung reply kasi maghapon ako tulog kasi buong magdamag at buong umaga ako walang tulog. Umatake na naman kasi ang aking insomnia. Basta thank you na lng ulit! See you again!

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