Uniquely Yours....

One of my former co-teachers in Taiwan loves to give personalized gifts. I'm not only talking about giving unique wedding gifts where she only has to buy one gift at a time but unique gifts for the Christmas season as well. In the 4 years that I worked with her, I got several unique, mostly personalized, from her because we got really close during those years. But during the holiday season like now, she would place bulk orders because she didn't only give gifts to those who are 'close' to her but she gave everyone a gift. What she did every year was to get the most complete list of teachers and staff from the personnel office to make sure everybody got a personalized gift before we all went home for the holidays. I can only imagine how much she actually shell out during the holiday season but I know she's happy with what she's doing. Every now and then I still get something unique from her in the mail. She's just that kind of a friend...she doesn't let any special occasion pass without making you feel special.


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