12 More Days

...before Christmas! And I'm missing Christmas in the Philippines once again...:( Not just the idea of being with my family back home but I'm missing the way I used to celebrate Christmas...mainly attending the dawn masses. I don't get to that anymore and I'm missing it big time. I also miss the noche buena...even if there were eves when I was asleep due to exhaustion from traveling. Sigh...hopefully I'll be able to do that again someday....

Anyway, according to the news, today will probably be the biggest & busiest shipping day of the year. This week will also be busiest in terms of online last minute shopping. I'm guilty as charged when it comes to that because I just placed a last minute order online. I'm crossing my fingers it will make it before the day itself.

Just like many others, the little one is very excited about Christmas. This is mainly because of the presents she's anticipating to get on that day. She's a child so it's 'somehow' expected that she's more excited because of that than the real reason why we even celebrate the day itself. BUT I make it a point to explain to her why we celebrate Christmas whenever the situation calls for it especially. Just last week I kinda' burst her bubble. She was going on and on about the presents she's going to get so I sort of asked her: How would you feel when during your birthday party ALL the presents are FOR the people attending your party and NOT for you? She said that will be odd because it's her birthday and the presents should be for the birthday celebrant. I told her that's true...then asked her so why is she expecting presents when it's supposed to be Jesus Christ's birthday and not hers.

Anyway, she understands and she knows that this is the season of GIVING that's why she gets the presents. I just want her to realize that Christmas is not just about the material things she gets but more about the birth of Christ and what it symbolizes.


Ciela said…
Glad that you haven't forgotten to remind E about the true meaning of Christmas. Pansin ko nga dito sa paligid namin e, ang mga bata, they don't really understand the real reason behind the merry making and gift giving. Basta for them, Xmas is about receiving gifts and going a-caroling! :(

Any plan of coming home to the Philippines? I bet, di mo na kilala ang 'Pinas!

Gandang araw sa 'yo Huling! Stay beautiful lagi!

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