It's Beginning to Feel...

... a lot like Christmas! The temperature around here has been on the low side for the past several days already. The little one has been catching some old Christmas shows on TV lately like 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' and 'Charlie Brown'. And last night I caught a glimpse of a Christmas variety show already. So....yes, Christmas is definitely in the air.

A few days ago I was also asked already by my Santa what I want for Christmas. Hmm...that one is a toughie because I never really know what I want. Although this year there is one thing I would want above everything else....good health not only for me but for everyone I care, friends. Personally, it seems that my health hasn't been the best for the past several weeks now. Nothing serious...I hope. But because of all these little aches and pains I've been feeling, I can't help but wish for a better health...and this time I really mean it. I used to wish for that just to poke fun at myself but that's no longer the case. I really wish for good health this time around and I hope it'll be granted.

Anyway, it's TGIF again! We don't have any big plans this weekend. The last one was a busy 4-day weekend for us because we were either busy prepping for TD or running errands & visiting families. I'm sure we'll come up with something to do this weekend. Whether we're staying in or going out, I'm fine with long as we're together.

Have a great weekend everyone!


HONEY said…

Hala ate, Health is wealth tlaga. kaya you have to take it easy.. Sometimes don't over work. Ako kc pag too much time sa computer lage ako na d dizzy. dahil sa eyes ko.. Ingatz lage.. ;)

Ciela said…
Naku Huling, di ka nag-iisa! Pero ito naman kasi sa 'kin e dala ng pagbata. hihi.. Mahirap talaga magkasakit! Praying along with you for your continuous good health and for our 'good friend' as well.

And as always, ingat lang!

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