Laid Back Weekend...

I think that's what it's been anyway since we didn't have anything pressing to do so we just did what we wanted to do. Yesterday we stayed home. I did some work and some usual. The husband put some weed killer on the yard because we've been invaded by the fire weeds once again. Today we went to the store to look for a weed killer specifically for the pesky fire weeds. I really hate those weeds because they sting bad. Not only that...the effect of the sting lasts for a day or two. Anyway, while at the store, we also looked at some yard signs we can use for the other property. We just don't know anymore how to keep unruly kids [adults, maybe?] from going into our yard leaving their trash laying around except for putting up more signs. Our neighbor out there is good enough to let us know when something unusual seems to be happening down there so we're somewhat aware of it but that's all they can do. How I wish we can just put up a high fence there but we don't really want to spend money to do that since we're already losing so much just by keeping it. I just wish the housing market starts to get better already so that place sells already. I can only cross my fingers...


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