Fat Chefs Part Deux!

Last week, I posted about the Chef figurines we got for our kitchen overhead counter [or is it planter?]. I posted a picture of them here. I mentioned in the post that we have more of them on the counter by the sink but I didn't have a picture then. Now I do...& that's them! Three Fat Chefs staring right at me while I'm washing dishes, fruits, veggies & what nots. Aren' they cute? The one holding oranges should be holding a bread or something but we couldn't find fake bread so the oranges will do for now. The middle one is supposed to be holding a wine bottle. We don't drink wine so we looked for a decorative bottle that it can hold instead and voila! A silver bottle it is! The third one...no idea what should be on his baskets. But the little one decided to put the salt & pepper shakers in the back and the toothpick holder in front! Nice, eh?

That's our Chefs in the house! Can they cook? I have no idea...but they're certainly dressed like they could!


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