
...the end of the first quarter of this year! That fast huh? A few weeks ago, days were going really slow for me but now, they seem to be flying by. Maybe because I'm not that stressed anymore? Probably. Anyway, in a few days our little one will be turning a year older. I'm happy she's healthy and all but also sad that she's growing way too fast for me. Added to that, she said she's no longer as excited when her birthday is coming. How sad is that? My baby is growing up. She's still excited about other 'special days' though. Speaking of special days, after Easter the next one will be Mother's Day. Have you started thinking what to get Mom yet? Don't say it's too early to think about it because it really doesn't hurt to plan in advance. In case you need minneapolis Mother's day flowers, maybe you should start looking at some places to get them now. I'm sure it will be one busy season again so you better be sure to place your orders earlier than later.


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