Deep Cleaning...

Doing household chores has always been one of my favorite stress reliever. I'm serious. When my boring online jobs get that...boring and stressful I would stop and do some household chores to release the stress. Mind you, I never run out of any [hello housewives!] so I can always de-stress. If you ask me though what my favorite chore is, I would have to say vacuuming. It's simple but you have to keep moving to do it. Since we didn't have carpet at home when I was growing up it's only here that I actually learned how to do it and that's prabobly one of the reasons why I like doing it. I vacuum at least once a week. But even if I do it weekly, I know our carpet doesn't really get 'that' clean. I know we need to have deep cleaning every once in a while so I'm planning in looking for a place like carpet cleaning chapel hill nc but locally since we're not in North Carolina. I know we have some around the area because we had a couple of people knock on our door offering the service. I just have to look for one that doesn't charge very high and is reputable since I will be letting them into our home. Hopefully I'll find one soon...


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