Getting Close.... the end of the first quarter of 2012! Ha! But that's not really what I'm talking about here. After more than 10 years, I will finally take that much needed [and wanted] flight to visit friends and family back home.

I'm not really looking forward to the 20+ hours of being on air in a tube but that's the only way to get there so I'll take it. Finally, our little one will get to meet my side of the family after only meeting/seeing them on the tube. She's definitely more excited than I am. I am excited alright but I can already feel being tired from what's going to be a 'whirlwind' trip since it's only going to be a 2 week visit. We're glad we're able to do it, we just wish it's longer. Oh well, maybe next time.


HONEY said…
Wow ate! This is a great news.. woottwwoooo... Enjoy!

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