It's actually the second day of spring already...officially that is! Here in our state, if not for the blooms & plants that are starting to show some life already, you can't really feel that much of a difference between spring & summer. It can be winter but we can have temperatures here as high as mid-80s some days. It's only the second day of spring but we're already seeing record high temperatures that it's starting to feel like summer already. Crazy, eh? What can I say...that's just the way it is here.
Anyway, as my title says...spring = allergies as well. Although in my case it's already a way of life so the season doesn't even count anymore when it comes to mine. Still, many people have worsening symptoms during this time of year so better be prepared. I know I would be...stacking up on allergy meds anyway.
Still busy on preparations? Ang saya! Enjoy the day and ingat!