It's Spring Alright...

Like I posted yesterday, spring is very much here. Besides the plants that have started to show some life, the weather has been rather pleasant. Last weekend we stayed in the back porch for a good 5 hours just sitting around. Well, I sat around with a laptop while the little one was hula hooping/playing/swinging. The husband was at work unfortunately because he had to finish some work. As I was sitting in our screened porch, I can't help but imagine our backyard with modern outdoor seating furniture. What we have right now are the traditional ones and I like them. They're comfortable and free because somebody gave them to us a few years ago because they were getting new set. We only had to repaint them and replace the cushions and they're like brand new already. Still, I'm imagining the time when we can actually get us some new ones....and I wouldn't mind getting the more modern kind of outdoor furniture. Dreaming on....I mean moving on....


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