Monday Blooper!

My laundry basket was full this morning. That's a cue that I have to do laundry even if I just did it a couple of days ago. So I did. I had to do 2 loads. On the first load, I used up all the laundry soap in the old bottle so I threw the bottle away. When the first load was done, I put the second load in and transferred the clean clothes in the dryer...then I went to do my usual stuff. Work, surf, teach the little one, clean here, etc, etc. When I heard the buzzer of the dryer I went in the laundry room to unload it so I can put the second load of clean laundry to dry. Right? Wrong!!! I realized while I was emptying the dryer that I forgot to put laundry soap in the dispense for the second load of laundry. Sigh! That means I ran a full cyle for nothing since there was no soap in the washer while it's running. Can you say....

There's an ALMOST Monday blooper as well but I'll reserve it for my next post....tee hee...


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