My New Ride...

How do you like it? LOL....of course I'm kidding. First, I don't even drive yet. Second, I don't drive! I guess you know what the third reason is...

Seriously, I was just doing some random searches on a skidsteer. Yes, that's the one in the picture. Honestly, I didn't even know what it is when I was asked to look for it online. I was just told to type on the search bar and see what comes up. It's one of those random stuff that hubs asked me to look for online since he doesn't have the time to do it himself. It's not even for him. It's for someone he knows. For some reasons, people ask him like he's a yellow page or a search engine...literally. That's probably because he knows quite a bit about everything. I think he even scares some people, especially salesmen, because they don't expect him to know more than they do. He scared the people installing the lines in this house when it was being built yet because he started asking them questions about stuff they didn't even know about. How did we know he scared them? The builder called us and told us about it. Anyway, I'm glad he knows a lot. The downside, well, you doing some online search on things we don't even need.


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