Into Harry Potter's Books Now

Anyway, I've had 5 of the 7 books on my bookshelf, 4 of which I bought as they came out while one I bought in a flea market a couple of years ago. I've always wanted to complete the set so I've been planning in buying the other two that I didn't have yet but without hurry. When the little one suddenly got interested in reading them I decided to find used copies of the two I didn't have ASAP. Why? Because the ones I didn't have were Books 1 & 2. I want her to start reading the books in order. She's just too impatient to do that so she started reading book 3 while waiting for the other 2. She finished the first 3 books in litte under a month. Now I'm wondering how fast she's going to read the rest of the series. I'm guessing faster than I can imagine. I should probably start collecting some other books, eh?
Have a blessed Holy Week! Take care!