Accident Waiting to Happen

Now that I'm back home, I can't help but think of all the things I want to send to my family back in the Philippines. Just simple things that we here take for granted. For one, I want to send my sister some picture frames because the ones she has are still the ones I had when I was living there So the first thing I did when I got here was to locate all the frames that I've put in a box because I don't use them anymore. Another thing I want to get her is a tv stand with mount. She has a TV set in her bedroom which is on a stand which is an accident waiting to happen The stand is not so bad but I'm afraid that even with a very light tremor, that TV will fall over her when she's watching. At least when the stand has a mount, it will be more secured. There's probably a million other things I can think of that I want to send them but for now I will just send what I can come up with. I'm pretty sure my sister will be very happy to get whatever it is I can send her.


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