
Day that is today. Sky is blue. Sun is not burning the athmosphere...or maybe it is...I just don't know. But it sure is good to see some blue skies after seeing only clouds and rain in the last several days. Although I don't think it rained yesterday. Did it? Hmmm....short term memory loss as my husband likes to claim.

Anyway, it's been a so-so morning as far as work is concerned. I've had some work put in already but would love to have some more so keep 'em coming. Finally we're seeing some light at the end of that long drought. Hopefully it's not just a temporary light and that it continues to shine at least until our house is paid up...LOL. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Aside from that, nothing much happening right now. The weekend came and went but nothing special happened. We stayed in most of the time. Hubs finally got a pressure washer so he was able to wash the build up of dirt and green stuff around the house. It almost looks brand new again...even the back porch. I'm sure it won't last long because of all the rain we've been having. but it's nice to see it clean every now and then.



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