Rainy Days and...Tuesday?

That's what we have at the moment. It didn't start until late in the afternoon but now it's really wet outside. Our plants are having a blast. It's been raining on and off here since last week which is good because it's a nice break from the heat. Technically it's still spring but we normally skip that season arouund here and jump right into summer after winter. But it's all good. I'm glad we have 3 seasons at least.

Anyway, I'm still not that busy with work at the moment so I'm trying to organize all of our pictures. I have a project that I've been meaning to do since last year using the pictures but haven't had the chance to do so. Hopefully I'll be able to organize everything before work starts to pick up so this project won't be put in the back burner again. Goodluck to me!


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