Ring Replacement

We've been married for more than 10 years now. Needless to say, we've changed quite a bit throughout the years. The most obvious of course is the physical change. Yes, we gained weight. There I said it. It's a good thing it's proportional..meaning even our fingers got fatter. As a result, hubby's wedding ring just wouldn't fit anymore so much so that I started looking at replacements a couple of years ago. Our rings are platinums. When we got them the first time, they're affordable. Not quite today so we looked at alternative rings like the tungsten carbide masonic rings which a friend of mine suggested. She said her husband has 2 rings. One he uses when he's working which happens to be a tungsten. I seriously considered getting hubby one at one point. That plan didn't push through because we decided to just have his original ring adjusted [read: stretched]. So far so good and he's still wearing it. But if and when he'll need a replacement or a spare, I'd probably get him a tungten one. They seem to be a good replacement anymway.


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