
It's that time again when I have one appointment after another. I usually like to have them on the same day so I don't have to ask my personal driver to take off work on different days. Maybe when I can drive already I will be able to do the appointments on different days. But for now, we have to stick with the current arrangements.

I have not been on my thyroid medication for a few months already. That's because my last blood test showed that my TSH has been normal...I think. The last blood test was about 2 months ago. Tomorrow I'll have another one just in time for my 6-month appointment. I am crossing my fingers that my TSH is still good so I won't have to take my medications anymore. Right now the only medication I'm taking is the one for my allergies. It seems that medication will stay with me for the rest of my life...unless I decide to have the allergy shots which is done every few months only. I heard of people whose allergy went away because of those shots. So maybe one day, I'll opt to give that one a try.


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