Giving Back

Every year, each batch that graduated in our high school donate something to the school as way of helping it. It's a private school that was originally financed by benefactors. But as the years went by, there was a shortage of benefactors. Since we all feel that the school has helped us one way or another, the alumni decided to come up with this annual donation program. At the end of the year, there is an alumni homecoming where alumni are provided with a list of things the school needs. This year, it's lockers, benches and projector mounts to name a few. I haven't been in any of the annual homecoming but our batch representatives usually send us a copy of the list so we know what to choose from. From that list, we all decide as a group which item or items on the list we will donate to our alma mater. It's our simple way of giving back to a school that has helped shape us to what we are today.


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