Happy New Year...

It's the second day of brand new year but it doesn't feel like it's a brand new year at all to me. If not for the non-stop news about this fiscal cliff, I probably wouldn't even notice that it's 2013 already. Ha! But it is a brand new year and it is indeed 2013 already so...HAPPY NEW YEAR! May this year bring you and your loved ones more blessings and harmony.

Anyway, I welcomed the new year the same way I always do...in bed...sleepy. That's probably why I'm sleepy throughout the year. Toink! That's what the old ones told us when we were growing up...whatever you're doing when the clock strikes 12 to welcome the new year, that's what you'll be doing the whole year through. I must say that 95% of the time, I'm either sleeping or sleepy when a new year comes rolling in. I even remember my mother telling my siblings not to wake me up. Hmmm....still, I was awake enough to kiss my prince frog...err...charming and wish him a happy new year. We watched [on TV] as the ball dropped...then we dropped because we were so sleepy already.

We we went for a drive the whole day of New Year's Eve just because we were bored out of our wits already. It's our favorite thing to do actually. Driving around...not knowing where we're going. Well, sort of. Hubby wanted to go find a hill somewhere but we didn't find it. Instead we went to Pine Island because the little one said 'beach' so we went to one not too far from here. We just walked around watching people and enjoying the cool weather. Well, it was cold [to me]. It was in the low 60s when we were there but guess what...there were people swimming. It turns out they're from out of state...colder states so the 'cold 60s' is nothing compared to their freezing temps.

New year's day itself...we did chores. Hubby cut up some tree limbs while I sorted out some papers and did some dusting up. The little one read one of the books she got for Christmas. That's how we spent the first day of this brand new year. And today, the second day of the year, we're back to normal. Back in our own little corners...me here in front of my computer, the little one in front of her textbooks and the husband in his shop. I guess we can say that life around here is 'same-o, same-o'....new year or not.



Ciela said…
Hi Huling! Looks like pareho lang ang unang araw ng 2013 natin. Nothing kakaiba! Busy-bisihan sa pagluluto on the 31st then rest the whole day ng bagong taon. Kasi replay na lang food eh. Lol. Buti nga kayo, you were able to drive around. That's what I wanted, kaya lang wala sa mood yung official driver eh. Kaya heto, na-miss ko ang holiday lakwatsa!

Wishing you and M and E the very best not only this 2013 but all the years to come!

Be well and stay lovely as you always are! Warm hug!

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