Jinxed It?

It's rainy and wet around here today. The temperatures are still mild but a bit colder compared to the past couple of weeks. Does it mean I actually jinxed the almost perfect weather we've been having lately? Nah, I wouldn't take the fall for it. It was bound to happen sooner or later. It's winter y'all so we're just back to normal...for now. But knowing how crazy and confused our weather down here is, I'm not expecting it to remain the same for longer periods of time.

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. I haven't really checked the forecast for the weekend but I'm hoping there won't be a lot of rain because I want to go to the store to get some goodies...Philippine goodies, of course. I'm running low already so I don't want to postpone it. But rain or shine, I'll try to go anyway.

Speaking of the weekend, it's almost here! Days are going fast as usual. We're halfway through January. There are not a lot of 'occasions' coming up so the little one hasn't been keeping track of anything. It actually feels a wee bit off after new year. It's like a big halt after prepping for 3 occasions/celebrations. It almost feel sad actually. But this is the reality of things. We get all worked up during the last quarter of the year then slow down during the first quarter of the next one. Maybe we can  spread out the celebrations throughout the year so it will feel balanced. Let's see. We still keep Christmas in December. Then have Halloween maybe in August. Thanksgiving in April....and New Year in...February....LOL. Good plan? Maybe not...


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