And Then....

Yep, the most awaited day of the week is upon us...on this side of the globe anyway. If the weekend forecast is to be believed, we will have a GORGEOUS weather. But we're talking about mother nature here so that remains to be seen.

Normally, I'm looking forward for the weekend to come. This weekend...not really. The reason being...SPRING FORWARD. That would be this coming Sunday. That means we have to adjust our clocks an hour forward at 2 AM on Sunday. So if I wake up at 8 AM on Sunday, that's actually the "future 7 AM" of that Sunday and so on and so forth.

Next week will be equally tough as far as adjusting to this new time is concerned. I'm sure it will take more than a week to get used to it but what choice do I have. Hopefully, I'll be able to adjust to it sooner rather than later.


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