Hard Times

Because of these hard times, many of the people we know, family and friends alike, decided to move out of state a few years ago. Some of hubby's siblings only returned recently but are not planning to stay for long because they still feel the hard times that drove them away in the first place. Another person who decided to seek greener pasture is a good friend who was one of the first people I met when I first arrived. He and his wife moved to NC a few years ago because that's where work was at that time. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Just a year or so after they moved, he lost his job. Even after losing his job, they decided to stay there because cost of living there is cheaper than here. The last we heard they're looking for creditor rights bankruptcy attorney raleigh nc to help them sort out their financial problems. There is not much we can do to help since his line of job is very much different from what hubby does. Hopefully they'll be able to recover soon so they can live a normal life again. I can only imagine how hard it is to be in that situation.


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