
That's probably what's in many people's minds. We were so excited for Spring to come...and it did...but only for a, anyway. Last wednesday was the first day of Spring and it was felt at least here in our neck of the weeds. But then we went to sleep. When we woke up, it's winter all over again. Ugh! I guess I don't have the right to whine about it since many of the states are experiencing much worse scenarios...but I want to whine. Ha! So here I am whining....tee hee...

Anyway, it will be the rest of the week here. It will mostly be in the 60s during the day and 40s overnight. But it will be get better as the weekend approaches...according to the forecast anyway. For now, I just have to bundle up whenever I have to get out there because it really bites when the wind hits me. Good thing I don't have to go anywhere or I would be shivering.


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