Eating Healthy

Diabetes is in my family's genes. My maternal grandmother had it and so did my mother. I saw first hand the effects of diabetes to my mother's health so I know that it's something I should take seriously. My mother was stubborn. Even after losing most of her eyesight because of this sickness, she wouldn't give up eating most of her favorite foods. Sadly, her being stubborn didn't help her at all. Since I know that diabetes is hereditary, I took it upon myself to learn more about the disease and how I can avoid having it myself. Obviously, diet plays a big role so I've been trying to watch what I eat as much as possible. I know that low carb products are good since carbohydrates turn into sugar once it's in our body so we try to use those products as much as we can. For somebody like me who grew up eating carbohydrates all my life, it's quite hard to follow through. But I have to do what I have to do. It's a good thing there are a lot of low carb products out there and it's been really helpful.

So far so good because the last time I had my blood sugar tested, it's still within the normal range. Aside from avoiding sweets as much as possible, I also walk regularly. It's a struggle to get up an hour early to be able to do that but I try my best. I know it's for a better health so I force myself to do it. Eating healthy has always been our aim in this household especially with our little one. Vegetables and fruits have always been part of our daily meals and just in the last couple of years, we've switched to whole grain and whole wheat products. Like I said, so far so good. I am hoping that diabetes in my family ends up with me. And I'm sure that's only possible if I keep doing what I'm doing...eating healthy.


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