Project: Renovation

With the passing of both the hubby's step-grandparents, the house that they lived in during the last several years of their lives is now left to their son who is not at all interested in staying there for good. So when we were there last time, he mentioned that he may have some work done in the house then sell it and asked my husband's opinion on what to get fixed around the house that might increase its value. The house is an older house. The molding styles used are, uhmm, out of style for one. The walls are scratched and the carpeting needs either deep cleaning or replaced. After looking around the house, hub's told his uncle that the house needs a bunch of work done if he wants to put it in the market. He didn't say anything after that but the last we heard, he's still living in the house. He'd probably wait it out and see how staying there will pan out.


Ciela said…
Huling, I'm gonna buy that house na lang! How much ba? Tell me, so I can issue the check tomorrow and then maybe move there the next day!
Haha..sowee.. kabilugan na naman yata ng buwan eh.. may Sisang nangangarap ng gising! Lol!

Musta na? Nakaalis na ba yung colds virus? I hope all is well with you now! Ingat lang lagi!

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