My Weighted Hoop

So I finally gave in and got me this 2.5 lbs hula hoop a few weeks ago. I've been planning in getting one for about a year, maybe even longer, but I kept putting it off for several reasons. One, I read that if you want to lose weight using a hula hoop, you have a better chance doing so using the regular hoop. The reason need to exert more effort to keep the lighter hula hoop on your hip which results to more calories being burnt. I thought that made sense so I  decided to use my regular hula hoop instead of getting the weighted one. The problem was I got lazy [maybe tired] and stopped using it. So my intention went nowhere. Another reason I hesitated in getting a weighted hoop at first was my fear of getting bruises. I bruise very easily so that kinda' made me think twice about getting the weighted hula hoop.

So what made me get the weighted hoop this time around? My jelly belly. I've been walking regularly on my tread climber for a good 6 months, 5 days a week. I lost some pounds slowly but surely but the spare tire in my mid-section barely budged. I tried some other ways to somehow 'tame' it like sit-ups, crunches, planks and even some pilates. Sadly, I couldn't stay on any of those because they're time consuming and not very enticing, so to speak. So the idea of hula hooping came back to me again. It's something I enjoy and I don't need a lot of time to set it up. Bu this time I wanted to try the weighted one. I disregarded what I read before and went head and got one.

The weighted hoop arrived about 3 weeks ago. I started using it right away...but I did it slowly. When I tried it the first time, I felt like I would get bruises from it because it really pressed on my 'jellies' so I stopped after only a couple of minutes. The next day, I tried it again and lo and behold, I felt like I had bruises on my mid-section so I was 'wincing' a wee bit while using it for about 5 minutes. I checked my mid-section but I didn't see any visible bruises but the "wincing" continued until about a week ago. The good thing is...the discomfort [from the invisible bruises] was only temporary because after a few minutes, my mid-section would be numb already. I am on my third week this week and I think my body is used to it already so no more wincing. I use it for half an hour 5 days a week after about 40 minutes on the tread climber. It's definitely easier to use compared to the non-weighted hoop [toy one] because it's easier to balance on the hips. The bigger [and heavier] it is, the easier to use it. I feel like I can just stand there and it would go around on its own unlike the toy one where I have to move my hips more to keep it from falling.

I don't think it has made any difference yet as far as my weight or the jelly belly is concerned but I'm enjoying it. From experience, consistency is the key to attain whatever goal one has...weight loss included. Hopefully I can stay on this regimen for as long as possible. Wish me luck would you?


Ciela said…
Good luck to you! hehehe... Wow, bakit ang huhusay nyo mag-hula-hoop? Ayaw, paawat sa kaseksihan? Wish ko lang I know how to use that too. Wala kaing tatalo sa aking jelly belly. Paki post agad kung nag-take effect na ha? At hahanap din ako ng weighted hula hoop. Problema lang baka hikain naman ako at bka hindi na kaya ng joints ko. Lol!

I'm so amazed talaga sa husay nyo!

Hope you had a good weekend, Huling!
BongFlo said…
go mommy J! i used to be on the heavy side 3 years ago. sported a 44 inch waistline and weighed about 280 lbs. now am down to 36 waist and 185 lbs. o ha! diet and a total change of lifestyle did it for me. and you are on the right track here to a healthy body. go, go, go!

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