A Crack

For the past 6 months at least, I've been walking on our Mobia/treadclimber for about 40 minutes everyday, 5 days a week. It's my only form of exercise since I stay home most of the time. The little one also uses it daily for 15 minutes to start off her day, then I go after her. A few days ago when she was about to walk on it she called me and told me that the machine is broken. I thought it just wouldn't start but that's not the case. The thing has a crack on it. I took a photo of it and this is how it looks like...

Not sure if it's visible in the picture but it's that black line on the upper white part of the stepper. It's not supposed to be stepped on but it's easy to step/walk on it. I guess we unknowingly step on it which caused the crack? I don't really know. For now it doesn't seem to cause any problem so we're still using it. Here's a screenshot of my daily stats on this thing....


J said…
Huwaaaaatttt.??? I'm sure may warranty sya.

I can't seem to see d crack. Hindi kaya imagination mo lang Tuks?

BTW, I think I'm ready 2 get my hula hoop. Where did u buy yours?

I asked F to check at the gym d hoop that I used to use. They have both weighted and unweighted but the one that I learned from and used was the unweighted and it's 40 inches.

Keep cool. Finally we're enjoying comfy temps dito. Huwag lang sana heat wave.
Ciela said…
Alrighty!! Panay fitness exercises ang inaatupag ah!! Good for you! For me, rest muna ako from those. Not feeling perfectly well pa kasi. Need to go for another ultrasound. Then, hopefully when fully recovered na, game na ulit sa exercise. :) Btw, nasan na yung crack? naku, pangit na yan, bili ka na ng bago. Itapon mo na lng yan dito! Aha haha!!

opps, meron pala akong tag sa yo! di naman sapilitan. hehe..

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