A Tag??? Really!

I cannot remember the last time I actually posted and/or participated in one. I used to do them almost on a daily basis when I first started blogging...especially when I needed 'in-between' posts. Then one day, they just sort of disappear. I know they're still in existence because I still see them in other blogs but no one tags me anymore....until Ate Beng saved the day. Aha! Chalamat Ate Beng....reminiscing the good 'ole days of blogging now.

This is called 'The ABC Meme'. Here it goes..

  • A. Attached or single:             - Attached

  • B. Best friend:                        -  Right now, the husband since he's the only one I hang out with most of the time. But I have a couple of friends that know me pretty well since we grew up together therefore making them my BFFs.

  • C. Cake or pie:                       -  Cake

  • D. Day of choice:                   -  Saberdey

  •  E. Essential Item/s:                - PC and laptop

  • F. Favorite color:                   -  black and white

  • G. Gummy bears or worms:   - both

  •  H. Hometown:                      -  Famfanga

  • I. Favorite Indulgence:           - chocolate & loaded fro-yo

  •  J. January or July:                 - January

  •  K. Kids:                               -  One

  •  L. Life isn't complete without?: - The fam-bam

  •  M. Marriage date:                  -  August 17

  • N. Number of brothers/sisters: - 3/1 [in d' bakod]  1/1 [outside d' bakod]...hehehe

  • O. Orange or apple?:              -  crunchy apple

  •  P. Phobias:                           -  snakes, snakes, snakes, snakes...oh and snakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Q. Quotes:                             -  Everything happens for a reason.

  • R. Reason to smile:                - Silliness of the little one and the husband

  • S. Season of choice:              - Fall and Spring if only for the cool weather

  • T. Tag 5 people:                    - Any 5 people interested to grab it.

  • U. Unknown fact about me:    - It would no longer be unknown if I put it here, would it? So, secret...haha

  •  V. Vegetable:                        - Talbos ng kamote [sweet potato tops/leaves]

  • W. Worst habit:                     -  Being uptight...per the little one

  • X. Xray or ultrasound:            - Ultrasound

  • Y. Your favorite food:            - Filipino foods

  •  Z. Zodiac sign:                      -  Scorpio

  • Comments

    J said…
    wahhhh ang bilis mo. ako din na-tag hehe.

    sizzling kami today. mid-90's lang naman and I have to brave it for my dental appointment.I'm taking it though kesa naman winter.

    hugs to my pamangkin. keep cool!
    Ciela said…
    hello huling! ayun oh! ang bilis din mag-post ng tag. lol! chalamat ha?!

    pareho tayo. love ko din camote tops. (with bagoong) sarap!

    dito rin, super hinit! despite the rain.

    take care!

    J said…
    now ko lang napansin na may in d' bakod at outside d' bakod kang answer sa meme. kaloka ka hahaha.

    hope the Florida sun will be kinder this weekend para lumabas ka naman sa lungga mo. kami dito rain or shine, iisa ang destinasyon.

    keep cool and have a great weekend.

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